

  • Luca M. Olivieri Director, Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan (ISMEO/Ca' Foscari University of Venice)


Editorial Note

The importance of the two scholars who passed away in the last few months, Gérard Fussman and Michael Jansen, is such that their obituary can only take the form of a long article or better still, a series of contributions. Indeed, only a collective effort can illustrate the major/significant contribution these two scholars made to our knowledge of the ancient cultures of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The following pages do not claim to do so in their meagre incompleteness; however, the hope is that more contributions will soon appear following these, both in this and other Pakistani journals. Only their sum can
account for the stature of our two late colleagues.

Luca M. Olivieri




How to Cite

Olivieri, L. M. . (2022). Obituaries. Journal of Asian Civilizations, 45(1), 171–177. Retrieved from